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Springer Lab publications
Strongin, R.M., Sharma, E., Erythropel, H.C., El-Hellani, A., Kassem, N.O.F., Mikheev, V.B., Noël, A., Peyton, D.H., and Springer, M.L. (2024). Emerging ENDS products and challenges in tobacco control toxicity research. Tob. Control 33:110-115 (Epub ahead of print was Jun 17 2022). | Journal link
Liu, J.*, Nabavizadeh, P.*, Rao, P.*, Derakhshandeh, R., Han, D.D., Guo, R., Murphy, M.B., Cheng, J., Schick, S.F., and Springer, M.L. (2023). Impairment of endothelial function by aerosol from marijuana leaf vaporizers. J. Am. Heart Assoc. 12:e032969 (*co-first authors). | Journal open access link
Mohindra, P., Zhong, J.X., Fang, Q., Cuylear, D.L., Huynh, C., Qiu, H., Gao, D., Kharbikar, B.N., Huang, X., Springer, M.L., Lee, R.J., and Desai, T.A. (2023). Local decorin delivery via hyaluronic acid microrods improves cardiac performance, ventricular remodeling after myocardial infarction. NPJ Regen. Med. 8:60. | Journal open access link
Han, D.D., Rao, P., Qiu, H., Navabzadeh, M., Wang, X., Goyal, N., Mohammadi, L., Huang, A., Perez, B.G., Schick, S.F., and Springer, M.L. (2023). Impairment of endothelial function by cigarette smoke and e-cigarette aerosol requires RAGE. Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol. 43:2369-2371. | Journal open access link (authorized for use on this website)
Wang, X.*, Gaur, M.*, Mounzih, K., Rodriguez, H.J., Qiu, H., Chen, M., Yan, L., Cooper, B.A., Narayan, S., Derakhshandeh, R., Rao, P., Han, D.D., Nabavizadeh, P., Springer, M.L.**, and John, C.M.** (2023). Inhibition of galectin-3 post-infarction impedes progressive fibrosis by regulating inflammatory profibrotic cascades. Cardiovasc. Res. 119:2536-49 (*co-first authors, **co-corresponding authors). | Journal open access link (authorized for use on this website) | Accompanying editorial
Qiu, H., Zhang, H., Han, D.D., Derakhshandeh, R., Wang, X., Goyal, N., Navabzadeh, M., Rao, P., Wilson, E.E., Mohammadi, L., Olgin, J.E., and Springer, M.L. (2023). Increased vulnerability to atrial and ventricular arrhythmias caused by different forms of inhaled tobacco or marijuana products. Heart Rhythm 20:76-86. | Open access | Accompanying editorial | (coverage including interviews by KCBS news radio also airing on KNX news radio LA, KRON4 TV, and NBC Bay Area TV); additional coverage including Yahoo! News, MSN, and UCSF News.
Mohammadi, L., Han, D.D., Xu, F., Huang, A., Derakhshandeh, R., Rao, P., Whitlatch, A., Cheng, J., Keith, R.J., Hamburg, N.M., Ganz, P., Hellman, J., Schick, S.F., and Springer, M.L. (2022). Chronic e-cigarette use impairs endothelial function on the physiological and cellular levels. Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol. 42:1333-1350. | Journal open access link (authorized for use on this website) | Accompanying editorial | (Chosen as Editor’s Pick for Nov. 2022 issue; 1 of 5 recent articles selected for Feb 2023 AHA Trend Watch from ATVB)
Nabavizadeh, P.*, Liu, J.*, Rao, P., Ibrahim, S., Han, D.D., Derakhshandeh, R., Qiu, H., Wang, X., Glantz, S.A., Schick, S.F., and Springer, M.L. (2022). Impairment of endothelial function by cigarette smoke is not caused by a specific smoke constituent, but by vagal input from the airway. Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol. 42:1324-1332 (*co-first authors). | Journal open access link (authorized for use on this website) | Accompanying editorial | (1 of 5 recent articles selected for Feb 2023 AHA Trend Watch from ATVB)
Rao, P., Han, D.D., Tan, K., Mohammadi, L., Derakhshandeh, R., Navabzadeh, M., Goyal, N., and Springer, M.L. (2022). Comparable impairment of vascular endothelial function by a wide range of electronic nicotine delivery devices. Nicotine Tob. Res. 24:1055–1062. | Open access
Springer, M.L. (2021). Letter to the editor. Am. J. Infect. Control 49:530-531 (Letter about valved N95 respirators and COVID-19). | Journal link | PubMed Central (open access)
Wang, X., Chacon, L.I., Derakhshandeh, R., Rodriguez, H.J., Han, D.D., Kostyushev, D.S., Henry, T.D., Traverse, J.H., Moye, L., Simari, R.D., Taylor, D.A., and Springer, M.L. (2020). Impaired therapeutic efficacy of bone marrow cells from post-myocardial infarction patients in the TIME and LateTIME clinical trials. PLoS ONE 15:e0237401. | Open access
Rao, P., Liu, J., and Springer, M.L. (2020). JUUL and combusted cigarettes comparably impair endothelial function. Tob. Regul. Sci. 6:30-37. | Pubmed Central (Open access) | (Coverage including KCBS radio interview 1/6/20, KPIX TV interview 1/6/20, Rolling Stone, and UCSF Pulse Today)
Lee, W.H.*, Ong, S.-G.*, Zhou, Y., Tian, L., Bae, H.R., Baker, N., Whitlatch, A., Mohammadi, L., Guo, H., Nadeau, K.C., Springer, M.L., Schick, S.F., Bhatnagar, A., and Wu, J.C. (2019). Modeling cardiovascular risk of e-cigarettes with human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived endothelial cells. J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. 73:2722-2737. (*co-first authors) | Journal link
Nabavizadeh, P., Liu, J., Havel, C.M., Ibrahim, S., Derakhshandeh, R., Jacob, P., 3rd, and Springer, M.L. (2018.) Vascular endothelial function is impaired by aerosol from a single IQOS HeatStick to the same extent as by cigarette smoke. Tob. Control 27:s13-s19. | Open access
An, S.*, Wang, X.*, Ruck, M.A., Rodriguez, H.J., Kostyushev, D.S., Varga, M., Luu, E., Derakhshandeh, R., Suchkov, S.V., Kogan, S.C., Hermiston, M.L., and Springer, M.L. (2018). Age-related impaired efficacy of bone marrow cell therapy for myocardial infarction reflects a decrease in B lymphocytes. Mol. Ther. 26:1685-1693. (*co-first authors) | Medline
Gotts, J.E., Chun, L.F., Abbott, J., Fang, X., Takasaki, N., Nishimura, S.L., Springer, M.L., Schick, S.F., Calfee, C.S., and Matthay, M.A. (2018). Cigarette smoke exposure worsens acute lung injury in antibiotic-treated bacterial pneumonia in mice. Am. J. Physiol. Lung Cell. Mol. Physiol. 315:L25-L40. | Medline
Glantz, S.A., Halpern-Felsher, B., and Springer, M.L. (2018). Marijuana, Secondhand Smoke, and Social Acceptability. JAMA Intern. Med. 178:13-14. (Invited editorial) | Open access
Wang, X., Derakhshandeh, R., Liu, J., Narayan, S., Nabavizadeh, P., Le, S., Danforth, O.M., Pinnamaneni, K., Rodriguez, H.J., Luu, E., Sievers, R.E., Schick, S.F., Glantz, S.A., and Springer, M.L. (2016). One minute of marijuana secondhand smoke exposure substantially impairs vascular endothelial function. J. Am. Heart Assoc. 5:e003858. | Open access | PubMed Central (open access) | Accompanying editorial | (Coverage including KCBS radio interview, Berkeley Wellness online, CBS News, Fox News, Forbes, US News & World Report, UCSF News)
Springer, M.L. (2016). CANNABIS: Clearing some smoke? San Francisco Medicine 89(2):26. (Invited editorial) | Read online (entire issue) | Download article
Aschbacher, K., Derakhshandeh, R., Flores, A.J., Narayan, S., Mendes, W.B., and Springer, M.L. (2016). Circulating angiogenic cell function is inhibited by cortisol in vitro and associated with psychological stress and cortisol in vivo. Psychoneuroendocrinology 67:216-223. | Medline | PubMed Central (open access)
Chen, Q., Varga, M., Wang, X., Haddad, D.J., An, S., Medzikovic, L., Derakhshandeh, R., Kostyushev, D.S., Zhang, Y., Clifford, B.T., Luu, E., Danforth, O.M., Rafikov, R., Gong, W., Black, S.M., Suchkov, S.V., Fineman, J.R., Heiss, C., Aschbacher, K., Yeghiazarians, Y., and Springer, M.L. (2016). Overexpression of nitric oxide synthase restores circulating angiogenic cell function in patients with coronary artery disease: Implications for autologous cell therapy for myocardial infarction. J. Am. Heart Assoc. 5:e002257. | Open access | PubMed Central (open access)
Liu, J., Wang, X., Narayan, S., Glantz, S.A., Schick, S.F., and Springer, M.L. (2016). Impairment of endothelial function by little cigar secondhand smoke. Tob. Regul. Sci. 2:56-63. | PubMed Central (open access)
Pinnamaneni, K., Sievers, R.E., Sharma, R., Selchau, A.M., Gutierrez, G., Nordsieck, E.J., Su, R., An, S., Chen, Q., Wang, X., Derakhshandeh, R., Aschbacher, K., Heiss, C., Glantz, S.A., Schick, S.F., and Springer, M.L. (2014). Brief exposure to secondhand smoke reversibly impairs endothelial vasodilatory function. Nicotine Tob. Res. 16:584-590. | PubMed Central (open access) | (Coverage on KGO 810 radio Morning Show and San Francisco Chronicle)
Horn, P., Amabile, N., Angeli, F.S., Kelm, M., Springer, M.L., Yeghiazarians, Y., Schroeter, H., and Heiss, C. (2014). Dietary flavanol intervention decreases endothelial microparticles in CAD patients: Improvement of endothelial integrity. Brit. J. Nutr. 111:1245-1252. | Open access
Rafikov, R., Kumar, S., Aggarwal, S., Pardo, D., Fonseca, F.V., Ransom, J., Rafikova, O., Chen, Q., Springer, M.L., and Black, S.M. (2014). Protein engineering to develop a redox insensitive endothelial nitric oxide synthase. Redox Biol. 2:156-164. | Open access | PubMed Central (open access)
Fang, Q., Mok, P.Y., Thomas, A.E., Haddad, D.J., Saini, S.A., Clifford, B.T., Kapasi, N.K., Danforth, O.M., Usui, M., Ye, W., Luu, E., Sharma, R., Bartel, M.J., Pathmanabhan, J.A., Ang, A.A.S., Sievers, R.E., Lee, R.J.*, and Springer, M.L.* (2013). Pleiotrophin gene therapy for peripheral ischemia: evaluation of full-length and truncated gene variants. PLoS ONE 8:e61413. (*co-corresponding authors) | Open access | PubMed Central (open access)
Chen, Q., Sievers, R.E., Varga, M., Kharait, S., Haddad, D.J., Patton, A.K., Delany, C.S., Mutka, S.C., Blonder, J.P., Dubé, G.P., Rosenthal, J.G., and Springer, M.L. (2013). Pharmacological inhibition of S-nitrosoglutathione reductase improves endothelial vasodilatory function in rats in vivo. J. Appl. Physiol. 114:752-760. | Medline (links to open access pdf) | PubMed Central (open access)
Springer, M.L. (2013). Gene therapy and angiogenesis. In Cardiology: An Illustrated Textbook. K. Chatterjee et al., eds. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd., Maryland Heights, M.O., pp. 2013-2029.
Springer, M.L. (2012). Earthquake safety at work: An important topic to review with patients. San Francisco Medicine 85(9):12-13. | Read online (entire issue)
Lin, Y.D.*, Luo, C.Y.*, Hu, Y.N., Yeh, M.L., Hsueh, Y.C., Chang, M.Y., Tsai, D.C., Wang, J.N., Tang, M.J., Wei, E.I., Springer, M.L., and Hsieh, P.C.H. (2012). Instructive nanofiber scaffolds with VEGF creates a microenvironment for arteriogenesis and cardiac repair. Sci. Transl. Med. 4:146ra109. (*co-first authors) | Medline | (Commentary in ibid., 4:146fs26, coverage in Nature 488:257 and the Wall Street Journal).
Aschbacher, K.*, Chen, Q.*, Varga, M., Haddad, D.J., Yeghiazarians, Y., Epel, E., Wolkowitz, O.M., and Springer, M.L. (2012). Higher fasting glucose levels are associated with reduced circulating angiogenic cell migratory capacity among healthy individuals. Am. J. Cardiovasc. Dis. 2:12-19 (*co-first authors). | Open access | PubMed Central (open access)
Wang, X., Takagawa, J., Haddad, D.J., Pinnamaneni, K., Zhang, Y., Sievers, R.E., Grossman, W., Yeghiazarians, Y., and Springer, M.L. (2011). Advanced donor age impairs bone marrow cell therapeutic efficacy for cardiac disease. J. Tissue Sci. Eng. S3:002. | PubMed Central (open access)
Springer, M.L. and Wang, X. (2011). Blunting half of the double-edged sword: Potential use of interleukin-10 to protect bone marrow-derived cells after myocardial infarction. Circ. Res. 109:1196-1198. (Invited editorial) | Open access
Wang, X., Takagawa, J., Lam, V.C., Haddad, D.J.,Tobler, D.L., Mok, P.Y., Zhang, Y., Clifford, B.T., Pinnamaneni, K., Saini, S.A., Su, R., Bartel, M.J., Sievers, R.E., Carbone, L., Kogan, S., Yeghiazarians, Y., Hermiston, M.L., and Springer, M.L. (2011). Donor myocardial infarction impairs the therapeutic potential of bone marrow cells by an interleukin-1-mediated inflammatory response. Sci. Transl. Med. 3:100ra90. | Open access | PubMed Central (open access) | (Commentary in Science online: ScienceNOW, Sept 14, 2011 and Nature 477:373)
Zhang, Y., Sievers, R.E., Prasad, M., Mirsky, R., Shih, H., Wong, M.L., Angeli, F.S., Ye, J., Takagawa, J., Koskenvuo, J.W., Springer, M.L., Grossman, W., Boyle, A.J., and Yeghiazarians, Y. (2011). Timing of bone marrow cell therapy is more important than repeated injections after myocardial infarction. Cardiovasc. Pathol. 20:204-212. | Medline
Kharait, S., Haddad, D.J., and Springer, M.L. (2011). Nitric oxide counters the inhibitory effects of uremic toxin indoxyl sulfate on endothelial cells by governing ERK MAP kinase and myosin light chain activation. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 409:758-763. | Medline | PubMed Central (open access)
Roberts, W.C., Springer, M.L., Wang, X., and Wang, D. (2011). The launch of American Journal of Cardiovascular Disease. Am. J. Cardiovasc. Dis. 1:i-ii. (Editorial) | Open access
Heiss, C., Schanz, A., Amabile, N., Jahn, S., Chen, Q., Wong, M.L., Rassaf, T., Heinen, Y., Cortese-Krott, M., Grossman, W., Yeghiazarians, Y., and Springer, M.L. (2010). Nitric oxide synthase expression and functional response to nitric oxide are both important modulators of circulating angiogenic cell response to angiogenic stimuli. Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol. 30:2212-2218. | Open Access
Springer, M.L. (2010). Assessment of myocardial angiogenesis and vascularity in small animal models. In Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 660: Stem Cells for Myocardial Regeneration: Methods and Protocols. R.J. Lee, ed. Humana Press, Inc., Totowa, N.J., pp. 149-167. | Medline | Publisher
Heiss, C., Jahn, S., Taylor, M., Real, W.M., Angeli, F., Wong, M.L., Amabile, N., Prasad, M., Rassaf, T., Ottaviani, J.I., Mihardja, S., Keen, C.L., Springer, M.L., Boyle, A., Grossman, W., Glantz, S.A., Schroeter, H., and Yeghiazarians, Y. (2010). Improvement of endothelial function with dietary flavanols is associated with mobilization of circulating angiogenic cells in patients with coronary artery disease. J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. 56:218-224. | Open access
Yeghiazarians, Y., Zhang, Y., Prasad, M., Shih, H., Saini, S.A., Takagawa, J., Sievers, R.E., Wong, M.L., Kapasi, N.K., Mirsky, R., Koskenvuo, J., Minasi, P., Ye, J., Viswanathan, M.N., Angeli, F.S., Boyle A.J., Springer, M.L., and Grossman, W. (2009). Injection of bone marrow cell extract into infarcted hearts results in functional improvement comparable to intact cell therapy. Mol. Ther. 17:1250-1256. Medline | PubMed Central (open access) | Cover | (Commentary in ibid., 17:1120)
Li, X., Tjwa, M., Van Hove, I., Enholm, B., Neven E., Paavonen, K., Jeltsch, M., Diez Juan, T., Sievers, R.E., Chorianopoulos, E., Wada, H., Vanwildemeersch, M., Noel, A., Foidart, J.-M., Springer, M.L., von Degenfeld, G., Dewerchin, M., Blau, H.M., Alitalo, K., Eriksson, U., Carmeliet, P. and Moons, L. (2008). Re-evaluation of the role of VEGF-B suggests a restricted role in the revascularization of the ischemic myocardium. Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol. 28:1614-1620. | Medline | PubMed Central (open access) | (Commentary in ibid., 28:1575-1576)
Heiss, C., Amabile, N., Lee, A.C., Real, W.M., Schick, S., Lao, D., Wong, M.L., Jahn, S., Angeli, F.S., Minasi, P., Springer, M.L., Hammond, S.K., Glantz, S.A., Grossman, W., Balmes, J.R., and Yeghiazarians, Y. (2008). Brief secondhand smoke exposure depresses endothelial progenitor cells activity and endothelial function: sustained vascular injury and blunted nitric oxide production. J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. 51:1760-1771. | Open access | (Commentary in ibid., 51:1772)
Heiss, C., Wong, M.L., Block, V.I., Lao, D., Real, W.M., Yeghiazarians, Y., Lee, R.J., and Springer, M.L. (2008). Pleiotrophin induces nitric oxide dependent migration of endothelial progenitor cells. J. Cell Physiol. 215:366-373. | Medline | PubMed Central (open access)
Springer, M.L. (2008). Living both music and medicine: Where the two practices intersect. (One of several sections.) San Francisco Medicine 81(2):38-39. | Read online (entire issue) | Download article (if images are missing online, you should still be able to see them in the downloaded file)
Heiss, C., Sievers, R.E., Amabile, N., Momma, T.Y., Chen, Q., Natarajan, S., Yeghiazarians, Y., and Springer, M.L. (2008). In vivo measurement of flow-mediated vasodilation in living rats using high resolution ultrasound. Am. J. Physiol. Heart Circ. Physiol. 294:H1086-H1093. | Open access
Springer, M.L., Banfi, A., Ye, J., von Degenfeld, G., Kraft, P.E., Saini, S.A., Kapasi, N.K., and Blau, H.M. (2007). Localization of vascular response to VEGF is not dependent on heparin binding. FASEB J. 21:2074-2085. | Medline
Takagawa, J., Zhang, Y., Wong, M.L., Sievers, R.E., Kapasi, N.K., Wang, Y., Yeghiazarians, Y., Lee, R.J., Grossman, W., and Springer, M.L. (2007). Myocardial infarct size measurement in the mouse chronic infarction model: Comparison of area- and length-based approaches. J. Appl. Physiol. 102:2104-2111. | Medline | PubMed Central (open access)
Zhang, Y., Takagawa, J., Sievers, R.E., Khan, M.F., Viswanathan, M.N., Springer, M.L., Foster, E., and Yeghiazarians, Y. (2007). Validation of the wall motion score and myocardial performance indices as novel techniques to assess left ventricular function in mice post myocardial infarction. Am. J. Physiol. Heart Circ. Physiol. 292:H1187-H1192. | Medline
Springer, M.L. (2006). A balancing act: Therapeutic approaches to the modulation of angiogenesis. Current Opinion in Investigational Drugs 7:243-250. (Invited editorial) | Medline
Kamba, T., Tam, B.Y.Y., Hashizume, H., Haskell, A., Sennino, B., Mancuso, M.R., Norberg, S.M., O'Brien S, M., Davis, R.B., Gowen, L.C., Anderson, K.D., Thurston, G., Joho, S., Springer, M.L., Kuo, C.J., and McDonald, D.M. (2006). VEGF-dependent plasticity of fenestrated capillaries in the normal adult microvasculature. Am. J. Physiol. Heart Circ. Physiol. 290:H560-H576. | Medline | (Commentary in ibid., 290:H509)
Springer, M.L., Sievers, R.E., Viswanathan, M.N., Yee, M.S., Foster, E., Grossman, W., and Yeghiazarians, Y. (2005). Closed-chest cell injections into mouse myocardium guided by high-resolution echocardiography. Am. J. Physiol. Heart Circ. Physiol. 289:H1307-H1314. | Medline
Springer publications before UCSF
von Degenfeld, G., Banfi, A., Springer, M.L., Jacobi, J., Ozawa, C.R., Merchant, M.J., Cooke, J.P., and Blau, H.M. (2006). Microenvironmental concentration of VEGF is critical to stable and functional vessel growth in ischemia. FASEB J. 20:2657-2659. | Medline (official citation is for express version; online version has a link to the complete article, pages E2277-E2287)
Ozawa, C.R., Banfi, A., Glazer, N., Thurston, G., Springer, M.L., Kraft, P.E., McDonald, D.M., and Blau, H.M. (2004). Microenvironmental VEGF concentration, not total dose, determines a threshold between normal and aberrant angiogenesis. J. Clin. Invest. 113: 516-527. (Commentary in ibid., 113:493) | Medline | PubMed Central (open access)
von Degenfeld, G., Banfi, A., Springer, M.L., and Blau, H.M. (2003). Myoblast-mediated gene transfer for therapeutic angiogenesis and arteriogenesis. British J. Pharmacol. 140:620-626. | Medline | PubMed Central (open access)
Springer, M.L., Ozawa, C.R., Banfi, A., Kraft, P.E., Ip, T.K., Brazelton, T.R., and Blau, H.M. (2003). Localized arteriole formation adjacent to sites of implantation of myoblasts expressing VEGF. Mol. Ther., 7:441-449. (Commentary in ibid., 7:428) | Medline
Banfi, A., Springer, M.L., and Blau, H.M. (2002). Myoblast-mediated gene transfer for therapeutic angiogenesis. Methods Enzymol. 346:145-157. | Medline
Springer, M.L. (2002). VEGF therapy in heart disease: For better or for worse? Drug Discovery Today. 7:209-211. (Invited editorial) | Medline
Munz, B., Hildt, E., Springer, M.L., and Blau, H.M. (2002). RIP2, a checkpoint in myogenic differentiation. Mol. Cell Biol. 22:5879-5886. | Medline | PubMed Central (open access)
Springer, M.L., Ozawa, C.R., and Blau, H.M. (2002). Transient production of a-smooth muscle actin by skeletal myoblasts during differentiation in culture and following intramuscular implantation. Cell Motil. Cytoskeleton 51:177-186. | Medline
Springer, M.L., Brazelton, T.R., and Blau, H.M. (2001). Not the usual suspects: The unexpected sources of tissue regeneration. J. Clin. Invest. 107:1355-1356. | Medline | PubMed Central (open access)
Ozawa, C.R., Springer, M.L., and Blau, H.M. (2000). A novel means of drug delivery: Myoblast-mediated gene therapy and regulatable retroviral vectors. Annu. Rev. Pharmacol. Toxicol. 40: 295–317. | Medline
Ozawa, C.R., Springer, M.L., and Blau, H.M. (2000). Ex vivo gene therapy using myoblasts and regulatable retroviral vectors. In Gene Therapy: Therapeutic Mechanisms and Strategies. N.S. Templeton and D.D. Lasic, ed. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, pp. 61-80.
Lee, R.J., Springer, M.L., Blanco-Bose, W.E., Shaw, R., Ursell, P.C., and Blau, H.M. (2000). VEGF gene delivery to myocardium: Deleterious effects of unregulated expression. Circulation 102:898-901. (Commentary in Nature Med. 6:1102-1103) | Medline | Cover
Springer, M.L., Hortelano, G., Bouley, D., Wong, J., Kraft, P.E., and Blau, H.M. (2000). Induction of angiogenesis by implantation of encapsulated primary myoblasts expressing vascular endothelial growth factor. J. Gene Med. 2:279-288. | Medline
Springer, M.L., Ip, T.K., and Blau, H.M. (2000). Angiogenesis monitored by perfusion with a space-filling microbead suspension. Mol. Therapy 1: 82-87. | Medline
Abendroth, A., Slobedman, B., Springer, M.L., Blau, H.M., and Arvin, A.M. (1999). Analysis of immune responses to varicella zoster viral proteins induced by DNA vaccination. Antiviral Res. 44: 179-192. | Medline
Springer, M.L., Chen, A.S., Kraft, P.E., Bednarski, M., and Blau, H.M. (1998). VEGF gene delivery to muscle: Potential role for vasculogenesis. Mol. Cell 2:549-558. | Medline | Cover
Springer, M.L., Kraft, P.E., and Blau, H.M. (1998). Inhibition of solid tumor growth by Fas ligand-expressing myoblasts. Som. Cell Mol. Genet. 24:281-289. | Medline
Kang, S.-M., Hofmann, A., Le, D.L., Springer, M.L., Stock, P.G., and Blau, H.M. (1997). Immune response and myoblasts that express Fas ligand. Science 278:1322-1324. | Medline
Springer, M.L., Rando, T., and Blau, H.M. (1997; revised 2002). Gene delivery to muscle. In Current Protocols in Human Genetics, A.L. Boyle, ed. John Wiley & Sons, N.Y., Unit 13.4. | Medline
Springer, M.L. and Blau, H.M. (1997; revised 2001). High-efficiency retroviral infection of primary myoblasts. Som. Cell Mol. Genet. 23:203-209. | Medline | Download
Springer, M.L. (1996). Towards a treatment for Tay-Sachs disease. Molec. Med. Today 2:232. (Commentary)
Springer, M.L. (1995). Cell implantation treatment for MPS VII. Molec. Med. Today 1:111. (Commentary)
Springer, M.L. (1995). Gene therapy for restenosis: retinoblastoma to the rescue. Molec. Med. Today 1:57. (Commentary)
Blau, H.M. and Springer, M.L. (1995). Muscle-mediated gene therapy. N. Engl. J. Med. 333:1554-1556. (Review) | Medline
Blau, H.M. and Springer, M.L. (1995). Gene therapy—A novel form of drug delivery. N. Engl. J. Med. 333:1204-1207. (Review) | Medline
Springer, M.L., Patterson, B., and Spudich, J.A. (1994). Stage-specific requirement for myosin II during Dictyostelium development. Development 120:2651-2660. | Medline
Springer, M.L. (1993). Genetic control of fungal differentiation: The three sporulation pathways of Neurospora crassa. BioEssays 15:365-374. (Review) | Medline | Cover
Springer, M.L. and Yanofsky, C. (1992). Expression of con genes along the three sporulation pathways of Neurospora crassa. Genes Dev. 6:1052-1057. | Medline
Springer, M.L., Hager, K.M., Garrett-Engele, C., and Yanofsky, C. (1992). Timing of synthesis and cellular localization of two conidiation-specific proteins of Neurospora crassa. Dev. Biol. 152:255-262. | Medline | Cover
Springer, M.L. (1991). Tergitol-induced colonial growth without inhibition of conidiation. Fungal Genet. Newsl. 38:92. | Free text
Springer, M.L. (1989). An effective procedure for the preparation of Neurospora crassa conidiophores for scanning electron microscopy. Fungal Genet. Newsl. 36:78. | Free download
Springer, M.L. and Yanofsky, C. (1989). A morphological and genetic analysis of conidiophore development in Neurospora crassa. Genes Dev. 3:559-571. | Medline | Cover