Matt headshot full

Donations in support of research:

If you would like to make a gift in support of Dr. Springer's research, information is available here.  Thank you for your generosity! 

Matthew L. Springer, Ph.D.

Professor of Medicine
Division of Cardiology 
University of California, San Francisco
513 Parnassus Avenue, Room S1113A, Box 0124
San Francisco, CA 94143-0124 
(415) 502-8404
matt.springer @

Curriculum vitae (pdf)

Program affiliations:


Dr. Matthew L. Springer received his BA from the University of California, Berkeley in 1985 and his Ph.D. from Stanford University in 1992.  He did postdoctoral research at Stanford and continued his research there as a senior scientist until joining the UCSF faculty in 2003, where he is currently one of the few non-clinicians on the faculty of the Division of Cardiology.  The close juxtaposition of his basic research background with the clinical cardiologists in the Division has resulted in an active translational research program.   

Dr. Springer's research interests include cell therapy and gene therapy approaches to studying cardiovascular disease, with the goals of exploring potential treatments for heart attacks and heart failure, and understanding how cardiovascular health is impacted by smoking/vaping of tobacco or marijuana products, or by secondhand exposure, in rodents and humans.

For more details about research and collaborators, please see the lab research interests page


Cardiology Division Faculty Spotlight, August 2016

View a 2013 talk at the UCSF Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education "It's About a Billion Lives" symposium for the general public about our studies of how tobacco secondhand smoke impairs vascular endothelial function (let it load and then move the slider to time 1:36:45; it is about 25 minutes long)

Neurospora photomicrograph resource links (temporarily unavailable as website is being revamped)
(an online resource derived from Dr. Springer's graduate work)

The Earthquake Home Preparedness website, a companion resource to my campus and public seminars on this topic.  You can also see streaming video of this talk here.  While you're at it, check out my QuakeTips blog.

The fun part:

The "alternative" articles (front pages only):

Lemin article 
SOY-SOS article 
Apoptartsis article

Now you can listen to The Myoblast Song and read its lyrics.
Also check out The Myoblast Song 2.0

If you encounter any trouble with this website, please e-mail Matt Springer

lab view